Back to work: 3 ways to prepare for Autumn

Back to work: 3 ways to prepare for Autumn


Summer is technically, if not officially over. If you’ve been away this summer, from your phone, work email, colleagues and early mornings – getting back into the groove can be particularly tough.

The back to school feeling hits the adults harder than the kids, they get to see their friends, we get to see an overflowing inbox. Waving adios to the sun, sea, sand and freedom and saying hello to early dark mornings can seem like the end of the world. Woe is we.

The biggest and most hated shock to the system, is mornings. It doesn’t even have to be that early, but in relation to your midday holiday wakeups, pre 9am can be both daunting and draining.  Waking up (not so) bright and early is tough to get back into the swing of things, where the snooze button is hit repeatedly until it can’t be ignored.

Never fear, help is at hand – who would have thought a clothing website could help you with this. It doesn’t have to be all doom and gloom, and here are some ways to help you, help yourself.

Dress, don’t stress

If your office is smart casual, you can get away with wearing our PHYSIQ APPAREL Lifestyle Supreme T-Shirt. It’s smart enough to look professional in the office with some smart chinos/jeans, and will save you some vital minutes as opposed to putting on a shirt & tie  trousers & belt. The time may be minimal, but an extra snooze press is all the motivation you (I) need. A classic plain black tee is all you need for dressing speed.


Bag your belongings

Failing to Prepare, is preparing to fail. Packing your work bag – documents, lunch and gym kit – the night before work is a great way to save time on your morning routine; and you guessed it, another extra press on the ‘worn out’ snooze button. Our VEL-OH Day Bag is a stylish accessory that has the capacity to hold all (pun intended) you’ll need for a working day. Allowing you to get up and go.

Cycle to Work

If not, why not?!  Assuming you live within a few miles of your workplace, cycling can reduce your commute time, increase your fitness and allow you to wear any/all of our cool cycling wear

Cycling can save you time and money. If you don’t have an old bike to dust off -  Cycle to work schemes can save you almost up to 40% on new bicycles. A quick check with your employer will confirm if they will sign you up for it, then you can literally get on your bike.

Overindulged in the summer? Put on a few pounds? Cycling back and for work regularly will help you ease back into fitness.

If you need one last push (to decide) on your bike – remember the environment that you’ll be helping to conserve by reducing pollution.

Be safe with a selection of our fine helmets

Look cool with a selection of our biking accessories.


Tips 1 and 2 should be a staple of your back to work routine. Saving you time and effort every day. Cycling can be taken up if it works for you. Making the effort initially to make less effort overall – is the way to go.

If your motivation is still lacking, just remember its Christmas soon and you’ll be able to relapse into your slumbering ways. If the thought of that doesn’t get you through the Autumn, I don’t know what will 😉



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